How to Keep Your Clients on Track, Engaged and Singing Your Praises

Do you struggle to hold your clients’ interest and keep them on task? Do you suffer from scope creep, money chasing and project fatigue (aka, the project the NEVER ENDS!)?

Clients need (and crave!) boundaries, deadlines and – dare I say – gentle harassment. Learn how to automate the process of content collection, nurture your clients throughout the entire web build process and protect your business from committing to another project that never ends!

Gutenberg … Opportunity?

The new visual editor sure does inspire consternation in the WordPress community. As with any disruption, there will be winners and losers in professional world – and lots of questions. Instead of focusing on launch and transition issues, I’ll describe how I believe the fundamentals of the WordPress experience will change for both the end-user AND the professional – and discuss potential opportunities for businesses in the WordPress ecosystem.

Hiding the Pulleys and Strings

Personalization, hyper targeting, and segmenting are far from subtle these days. In this session you’ll learn effective marketing techniques to help you actually connect with your users and customers. You’ll see real examples of how I learn about users and do it by providing them with value. We’ll also get hands-on with businesses from the audience discovering real world fair trade marketing opportunities. We’ll identify ways to raise your revenue and make customers happy doing it. And we’ll learn how to create up-sells that actually help users rather than just helping your bottom line.

Let’s stop duplicating the techniques and strategies we see across the Internet. Learn how to listen to your users, they’re already telling you what they need and how to connect with them.

Winning Hearts and Minds: Effective communication throughout a website redesign

In 2014, The University of Maine determined that needed to be taken to the next level. A year later, a robust new website was launched to coincide with the incoming class and our 150th year celebrations. This session details the journey between these two points, and how we avoided common pitfalls in website redesign projects affecting hundreds of content contributors and their individual websites.

Utilizing growth hacking & design to create a better experience for your customers.

Traditionally, marketing and product design have been thought of as separate roles within many organizations. Often times, a gap is formed between the two, leaving an inconsistent experience from the time a customer is made aware of a product up through the time they’re an actual customer. Whether you’re a freelancer or part of a large company — join me as I dig into the growth funnel (AAARR model—Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue) and explore ways in which you can rapidly iterate in your marketing and product to provide a more cohesive experience for your target demographic.